paul saladino joe rogan

We do the same biochemistry, we do the same cellular respiration. Um, but then when we get to protein, uh, we’ve been taught to kind of monitor that intake so that we don’t get into the excessive protein consumption beyond like one gram per pound of lean mass or the, you know, the widely, widely touted a guidelines. Go over to ancestral and get started and don’t forget the 10% discount using the code Kearns. It’s just a good intervention people to know about. -At 48 miniutes in the good doctor talks about the benefits of evolving humans having eaten bone marrow and brains, and then that cracking open the skull of an animal is not something than any other mammal or mobile animal can do.

We talk about his perspective on a nose-to-tail carnivore diet. A different explanation to perhaps ponder: At one point: humans actually were able to convert and utilize plants for all functions, meaning that they could solely rely on a plant-based diet. Does it make sense for you to assess it with your own protocol because then we’re never really going to know if the carnivore diet itself had any profound effect on your biomarkers. Kresser can’t know that the study Wilks was mentioning just quoted a reference from a 2017 vegetarian chapter that references a 2002 “joint expert consultation.” When we tracked this down we didn’t find any good evidence to back up this claim, and most importantly, THIS WAS NOT NEW DATA that Kresser would be unaware of. Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are not tubers. And so now, thanks to the world of podcasts and the Internet, we can be absorbing all these new ideas. And just before we hit record, you were talking about how you got into debate with a Rich Roll and they did a show about it. That’s awesome. That’s how our biochemistry looks.

It sequesters carbon in the soil. The plants can cause this and give people another option to get better. Also, the reasoning that all plants have evolved not to be eaten would hold true with ruminants as well.

The new wrinkle is simply saying that hunter gatherers, despite foraging a very large variety of things to eat from plants (and despite having dentition and digestive tracts that seem ideally suited to being omnivores with extreme flexibility in food sources) really would be better off if they only ate meat.

And if we think about fructose and insulin resistance Leptin mechanisms in the brain, I think you can make a strong argument that if you eat too many, you’re just going to have a problem. Dietary protein and amino acids in vegetarian diets – a review, Plant Protein, Animal Protein, and Protein Quality,, Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition, The postprandial effect of components of the mediterranean diet on endothelial function, Food processing and emotion regulation in vegetarians and omnivores: an event-related potential investigation. Speaker 7: 00:09:30 this, this dietary movement challenges almost every single long held belief into medicine and tap.

So after 12 weeks of a ketogenic diet, these athletes who are doing endurance exercise, we’re storing and making and using glycogen at the same level as people who are on mixed diets.

You’ll see for yourself if you listen to our podcast and read through these extensive notes.

Speaker 8: 00:39:39 But it’s this process of detoxification, of sulforaphane through the NRF two pathway that generates an increase in the enzymes in our body that make glutathione. Well, we are talking about carnivore after all, so if you’re going to do it, do it right source the most sustainable and nutritious foods you can find the grass fed beef and the pasture raised eggs and throw in some of those salmon eggs and oily cold water, high Omega Three Fish.
We can eat for indulgence, like life is about enjoying things. I just want people to know like, hey, the plants can be causing this. Check out my YouTube Channel Paul Saladino MD I’m not doing better. And I think it will come as no surprise to most people that within standard Westernized Medicine, I’m an MD, I’m classically trained. Hmm…Do you guys censor the comments? They talk about everything there. As we’ve been taught to, I’m pretty soon, we’re eating less of the salmon eggs and the pastured eggs and all the great things that we know have the most concentrated sources of nutrition. For sure Joe and thanks. And most people when they hear about a carnivore diet, they just, they say, that’s crazy. But then I have to ask myself, well, what is, what is good and what, what is potentially great? Also, is a carnivore diet advisable for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and children? If you are from the vegan/vegetarian world, watch out because the pillars of your belief system are going to get shattered. [21:21], How much Omega 3 should we be getting? It’s not the only micronutrient or macronutrient, but it’s very valuable macronutrient.
These are animal versus plant forms, whether we’re talking about retinal vitamins, Dha, EPA and Dha, EPA, which are the forms of a bank of three assets that our brains actually used versus Ara, which is Alpha linolenic acid. But I’m guessing a large percentage of your listeners are long since on this path already. Overall life stress, and nutritional deficiencies can lead to inadequate conversion of T4->T3. The implication that you should only have one type of hormetic stressor, either exercise + cold/hot, but if you add the hormetic stress from plant intake it, it becomes too stressful for the body. Paul explains why he would put his autoimmune patients on this type of diet over the plant based option. Uh, everything that’s, that’s coming up. And that affects health long term and it affects health long term because we’re not getting the nutrients we need. So the fat to protein macro is valuable. Ya, I hear you. Many believe that The Joe Rogan Experience’s immense popularity is rooted in the raw, ... Paul September 23, 2020 .

You know, one thing my trigger, someone else might not trigger another person.

I mean, I even told rich after the podcast, Hey, I’d love to collaborate.

Under this paradigm and following a carnivorous diet, how are these desired pathways activated? Just sound actually sounds better. I love the idea or the path that it’s led me on for this last year. And that’s true. For me, there are still many unanswered questions here that may threaten a very large industry and thus probably won’t be studied further. It asks “why?” [01:03:57], How dramatic was his transition to carnivore diet?

So I’ll get the direct opportunity to, uh, discuss some of his issues and debate him on that. Brad: 00:05:17 So of course we had to go find other sources of food. What I did come away more convinced of is that episodic purely carnivorous eating could be worth adding into the mix, so thanks! I’m sick. He believes many of the chronic diseases we see today have common underlying issues and nutrition plays a key role in our overall wellbeing. It is very, very hard to get the nutrients we need from plants. I started trending more and more to carnivore, as did my primal and keto sidekick Brian McAndrew (we are working on two cookbooks just for cool dudes like us, coming in winter 2019-2020.) Like I did, like almost everybody did. Thanks for bringing us a wealth of information on so many interesting parts of wellness. Paul. Oh, and then also does, does honey count as a carnivores? Right now we are living on borrowed time because of monocrop agriculture. I was just doing it though so we could talk and see each other. Speaker 8: 00:40:32 Well at this point somebody might say, well why wouldn’t I do both?

Speaker 5: 00:45:26 And I’m supposing that we can go down the line now with our wonderful pomegranates and blueberries and have a similar story of these being a sort of hormetic stressors to the body. So in the short term, a plant based diet that removes artificial processed foods can be very helpful for people. Eat away! There are, there are, well I guess it has been done actually. It has reassured me that it’s okay and healthful to eat this way. But, um, you know, the idea generally centers around mtor mammalian target of rapamycin and the concerns expressed are that animal protein is going to trigger mtor and that excess activation of Avatar is going to lead to excess anabolic sort of, uh, excess, uh, triggering of anabolic pathways in the human body and potentially cancer. And some people, there are other things in plants that can cause real issues. I would like to know how the carnivore diet plays in with pH levels or if this applies. So if people are really worried about longevity overactivation of growth hormone over activation of Mtor, they should be worrying about insulin, not protein. Not respectable. They’re saying limit protein. This doctor is definitely sharp and I’m sure he’s right on some things. In the 1980s and 1990s there were toxicological studies done with caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid (found in coffee) which showed clastogenic activity (chromosomal breaks) at levels well within those obtained in a cup of coffee. And then we have to decide, um, should we, should we only eat them? Ben does this concern you? Coffee is felt to be beneficial because of a couple of polyphenolic compounds: A coffee bean is the seed of a plant, which contains toxins as a natural defense mechanism. There’s just no comparison. That’s why it feels like your brain is on fire and you’re irritable, you don’t sleep, you have bad libido. Speaker 8: 00:46:53 It’s just like you. -As I’ve researched the concept of animals eating brains further I’ve discovered that especially when it comes to bears and other animals eating fish, brains are often the first things eaten. You know, there’s great examples of this well known vegans who were saying I was getting super sick and it takes years to see the sickness kind of set in and then they go and eat animal foods and they feel so much better. I mean it’s kind of um, there, there might be some people crying right now to hear that, but it makes so much sense that you know, a survival foods and important term and when you’re trying to survive and you haven’t killed an animal for awhile, that’s great. And again, why are we not surprised? But you know, if you eat broccoli nose to tail, there’s not even such a thing. We’re either using the ketones to make, you know, we’re taking them down the mevalonate pathway and we’re making cholesterol with them, which is a good thing. It is best to consume it as fresh as possible… If freezing, handle gently to preserve integrity and probably should be consumed within a month or so, to ensure the fats don't oxidize. Speaker 6: 00:16:05 And I was like, no, that’s wrong. Um, and I suspect that he’s on more supplements than than he admits to. Speaker 4: 01:35:18 Oh, okay, that’s fine. Because you know, people should not imagine that they’re getting any antioxidants or any of these isothiocyanates from fermented foods like Kimchi or Sauerkraut, because those have all been detoxified, right? So many ideas of Western medicine is challenging. The standard thought it to limit saturated fat and get more fat from Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, etc… Or perhaps to just get less fat. Also, Extra fats: Cooking with animal fats will deliver those essential fat, Connective tissue: Delivers collagen, glycosaminoglycans, Calcium: Eggshells or supplemental bone meal, Iodine: Great sources are pastured eggs and Dr. Paul’s favorite, salmon roe, This is a good time to plug the premier show sponsor Ancestral Supplements, as they encapsulate the 100% pasture raised/grass, fed organ meats sourced from New Zealand, free from any additives or impurities. For years now, Rogan has been publicly mulling over moving his family and “The Joe Rogan Experience” to Texas. We are reasoning. I had to ask Dr. Saladino about the studies showing red meat consumption may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. I think that it’s a, it’s a very interesting thing that they’ve done and it’s very valuable intervention, but we should not conflate that with the idea that it was the plants that did it. I thank you so much. 10/3-10/9.

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