purchase order cancellation terms and conditions

Should such circumstances prevent the Vendor from supplying the specified goods and/or services for more than 4 (four) weeks, CPX may, without limiting its other rights or remedies, may provide written notice to the Vendor to terminate this contract with immediate effect. 1.1 Except where condition 8 applies, these terms and conditions apply to every order placed by COMPANY X (“CPX”) with any individual, firm, organization, or company (“Vendor” or “the Vendor”). Seller shall replace or correct, at Purchaser's option and at Seller's cost, defects of any goods not conforming to these warranties. Goods shipped to Purchaser in advance of schedule may be returned to Seller at Seller's expense. 2.1 The Vendor agrees to ensure the goods and/or services provided shall: (a) correspond with the quantity, type, sort, quality and description defined in the purchase order; (b) meet performance standards, benchmarks, and delivery schedule specified on the purchase order or as specified to the Vendor by CPX; (c) be of satisfactory quality (as defined by the Sale of Goods Act 1979) and fit for any purpose specified by the Vendor or specified to the Vendor by CPX; (d) where applicable, be free from defects in design, materials and workmanship and remain so for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the delivery date; (e) comply with all applicable statutory, legal, and regulatory requirements relevant to the manufacturing, production, labelling, packaging, storage, handling, and delivery of the specified goods. The Supplier warrants that it will comply with any of the Purchasers policies notified by the Purchaser to the Supplier from time to time, including without limitation any of the Purchaser’s privacy policies. 8.1 The Supplier shall maintain, at its own expense, all necessary insurance cover for its liabilities to cover all events that may cause loss of, or damage to property, or injury to, or death of a person arising out of, or in course of, or by reason of the supply of Goods, Liability, Products Liability and Goods in Transit until delivered to the Purchaser. (n) Ethics hotline: The AAMC is committed to conducting its business in an ethical and legal manner. Jason Bacos. 10.1 The Supplier must deliver the Goods to the Delivery Address by the Delivery Date (due date) specified in the Purchase Order and provide written confirmation of delivery. PURCHASE ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The Supplier must recommence the work under the Purchase Order within forty eight (48) hours of being directed to do so by the Purchaser. All invoices of Seller to Purchaser shall exclude taxes that are excludable under Purchaser’s tax exempt status. All costs so incurred in repairing, performing or making good (as the case may be) any defective Goods and Services will be a debt due and payable on demand by the Supplier to the Purchaser, and which may be deducted from moneys otherwise owing to the Supplier by the Purchaser. 10.6 If the Supplier fails to perform the Services in a timely fashion or fails to deliver the Goods by the specified delivery date(s), the Purchaser may terminate the Purchase Order either in whole or in part for default , in accordance with the provisions of Clause 12.2 and/or deduct from monies due to the Supplier as liquidated damages, representing a genuine pre-estimate of the Purchaser’s damages and not as a penalty, the amount specified in the Purchase Order, for each week or part thereof in which the non-performance continues or delivery exceeds the specified delivery date. (i) Governing law: : This Order, these Terms, and all related transactions, will be interpreted under and governed by the laws of the District of Columbia in the United States of America without regard to its conflict of law principles. The provisions of this section, and any award issued by an arbitrator, may be enforced by either party in any court of competent jurisdiction. 4. Seller will keep confidential any technical, process, economic, or other information derived from drawings, specifications and other data furnished by Purchaser in connection with this Order (in whatever form or format) and will not divulge, export, or use, directly or indirectly, such information for the benefit of any other party without obtaining Purchaser's prior written consent. 15.1 The Supplier shall keep secret and confidential and shall not disclose to any third party without the prior written consent of the Purchaser (except as required by compulsion of law) any engineering data, information, specifications, chemical mixes, drawings, reports, accounts or other documents made available by the Purchaser to the Supplier which is noted as, or which is by its nature, confidential. 5.3 Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, invoices for payment must be submitted to the Purchaser for payment following delivery of the Goods or following performance of the Services, and payment of the approved amount will be made by the Purchaser no later than forty five (45) days from the day that the invoice was received, PROVIDED THAT the Goods provided by the Supplier conform to the Purchase Order and comply strictly with every aspect of the specifications contained in the Purchase Order.

7.10 Governing law and jurisdiction: The entire agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law, and the parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. The Supplier must without delay and at no cost to the Purchaser: correct any defect in the Services covered by the warranty, by way of re-performance of the Services in a manner acceptable to the Purchaser; or. All notices to Purchaser shall be sent to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) at 655 K Street, NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20001, to the attention of the Central Procurement Office (CPO), and to Seller at its address as set forth in this Order, or at such other address as either party may designate in writing to the other party. Free resources to assist you with your legal studies! Let’s take a look at a set of sample terms and conditions for Company X, located in London. Washington, DC, 20001-2399. aamc.org does not support this web browser. 9.5.5 If the Supplier fails to correct any defects and failures, of which it has been notified by the Purchaser, within the time specified in the notice (which must not be unreasonable), the Purchaser will have the right to rectify the Services and/or Goods itself or have the rectification undertaken by a third party. 9. 9.4.1 The Goods and/or Services must match the description and must comply with the standards of quality specified in the Purchase Order. 2.3 In the event the seller fails to deliver the goods, or perform the services, specified by the date specified in the purchase order, CPX may, at its option, terminate the contract without notice. (d) Seller recognizes that Purchaser will be treated as a tax exempt entity, and Purchaser will provide Seller with its exemption certificate on request.
Purchase Order:-When purchasing any goods, one is a buyer of goods and a seller of goods. This Order shall terminate automatically, without notice, if Seller becomes insolvent or the subject of any proceeding under the laws relating to bankruptcy or the relief of debtors. No variation will invalidate the Purchase Order. Any notice or other communication required under the Purchase Order shall be delivered in writing and shall be in a form which can be read, copied and recorded conveniently. 8. (a) Non-assignment: Assignment of this Order or any interest in it or any payment due or to become due under it, without the written consent of the Purchaser, will be void. Every purchase order represents a legal contract between your company and the vendors you rely on for goods and services. Any unauthorized shipment, which will result in excess transportation charges, must be fully prepaid by the Seller. 14.1 Any intellectual property in any sketches, plans, drawings, designs, chemical mixes, reports or documents prepared by the Supplier in the provision of the Services under the Purchase Order, will upon its creation vest in the Purchaser. Limitation of liability: Purchaser's aggregate liability arising from or relating to this order is limited to the amount paid by purchaser for the goods and/or services. When composing, modifying, or approving any contract or other legally binding document, we strongly advise you to seek independent legal advice. Make sure yours are thorough, legally vetted, and crystal clear, and you can rest easy knowing every purchase order is a powerful and productive part of your company’s success. Work on purchaser's premises: If Seller's work under this Order requires Seller to be on the premises of Purchaser or at Purchaser’s direction, Seller will take all necessary precautions to prevent any injury to persons or damage to property, including following any rules, procedures or other requirements of Purchaser. (f) upon terms acceptable to the Purchaser. 8.3 In relation to the Goods, the Supplier shall effect and maintain any policies of insurance specified in the Purchase Order or required by law. Approval of the Purchaser to any subcontract will in no way relieve the Supplier of any of its obligations under the Purchase Order. 8.6 The maximum sum for which the Purchaser may be liable to the Supplier under the Purchase Order, in tort, in equity or otherwise at law, is limited to the price. 7.7 Variation: Any variation, including any additional terms and conditions, to the contract will only be binding and enforceable when agreed to in writing and signed by CPX. 4th Jun 2019 Bribery Act 2010), which prohibits the offering, giving, or promising to offer or give or receiving, directly or indirectly, money or anything of value to any third party to assist it, them or Purchaser in retaining or obtaining business or in procuring the goods or services. (o) Severability: If any provision of this Order shall be held or deemed to be or shall, in fact, be illegal, inoperative or unenforceable, this provision shall not affect any other provision or provisions contained in this Order. Records of all inspection work by Seller will be kept complete and available to Purchaser during the performance of this Order and for seven (7) years after Seller's completion of this Order. 9.3.1 The Goods and/or Services must be tested in accordance with the requirements of the Purchase Order, including any Specification. To the maximum extent allowable under applicable law, purchaser shall not be liable under this order for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages including, without limitation, lost revenues even if purchaser has been advised of the possibility of such damages. These Terms apply to everything listed in this Order and constitute Purchaser's offer to Seller, which Purchaser may revoke at any time prior to Seller’s acceptance. 5.4 Upon delivery of the Goods and/or completion of the Services, the Supplier must provide to the Purchaser a valid tax invoice which must include: A reference to the Purchase Order and the relevant Contract (if any) including the line items on the Purchase Order and number; A detailed description of the Goods or performed Services, including the date of delivery and/or period of Services in respect of which the invoice relates and relevant quantity; An individual reference number for the purchaser to quote with remittance of payment; The Price relating to the Goods and/or Services, broken down to reflect the same Price components on the Purchase Order; Duty, excise or other government charges required to be charged by the supplier must be stated separately; 5.5 If the Purchaser requests, the Supplier must provide the Purchaser with all relevant records to calculate and verify the amount set out in any invoice. “Your terms and conditions may not be the same as those of your competition, or even most companies in your market—what matters is aiming for maximum detail and specificity when laying out expectations, obligations, penalties and incentives.”. Find leadership jobs in academic medicine. 2.1 The Purchase Order when properly signed and bearing the order number. (e) such other insurances required by the Purchaser or required by law.

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