Torts may be intentional or unintentional.
What is your reporting responsibility? d) Learning communication techniques from other cultures. This is best an example of. Study Flashcards On Law and Ethics Chapter 4 at
A patient unexpectedly dies in the hospital under the care of a physician. d) You can legally refuse to treat the patient because it is not an emergency situation. Which of the following is the best example of a security procedure that protects patient confidentiality? As a/an ________, you are required by law to report the abuse or neglect of a child, despite the fact that such a report breaches confidentiality, ________ is a pattern of not caring for a child, either physically or emotionally, that threatens the child's well being, Fetal abuse has become an important and highly publicized issue in recent years. Which is an example of the reporting duties of the midwife.
d) It can be altered to the patient's liking. military, doctors doing research (MD), emergencies, and good Samaritan law, protects you only as long as your doing your scope of practice (what you know), up to a board. b) The nurse should provide the wound care when she discovers her mistake and report it to the ordering physician and the patient. Upgrade to remove ads. doing of good. The family requests an autopsy. It is only used to allow you to reset your password. A doctor orders unnecessary tests and procedures because he is afraid of lawsuits.
b) The amount of times the patient has seen the physician prior to death, A patient is newly diagnosed with HIV in your clinic. What is the best response to the caller? Justice b.
Write. Providing artificial nutrition for a feeding tube to a patient who is also on a ventilator is an example of. Touching a person's body without their consent.
You would need to create a new account. What is this an example of? Other activities to help include hangman, crossword, word scramble, games, matching, quizes, and tests. This is an example of. What important pieces of information are missing from the report? Which if any of the following statements about ethics and legality are true, The law demands that patients are treated compassionately, while ethics require competent medical practice according to current standards and frequently exceed legal standards. You are the nurse taking care of the patient. _____ is spoken false or malicious words that injur a reputation. Injuring a person's name and reputation by making false statements to a third person. the knowledge of what is right conduct versus what is wrong conduct.
You are working with a patient who has been admitted for alcohol treatment. Which of the following is an example of a privacy violation?
_____ laws are rules that are supposed to protect the public. a) If continuing life support will give their daughter a chance to recover. c) A surgeon leaves surgical instruments in a patient.
As part of the informed consent process, you are required to cover all EXCEPT the following, A research study is being offered to patients for treatment of Alzheimer's disease. choose the best course of action, unethical, unacceptable, and punishable by legal means, the minimum standard necessary to keep society functioning smoothly, how can sellers and manufactures be held legally responsible for defective medical devices and products, fraud, breach of warranty, and misrepresentation of the product through untrue statements, a mandatory process established by the state that grants the right to practice certain skills, a voluntary process for people who meet certain requirements to be seen as experts in their field, usually national, entry into an official record for those who meet certain requirements within a profession, official approval for conforming to a specified standard, healthcare facilities, managed care plans, and health care practitioner education programs, each state's medical practice acts who purpose is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of health care consumers, training doctors to intervene in the disease process, through the use of drugs and surgery, care settings providing highly specialized services, two or more doctors share everything but practice separately, providing medical services for a prepaid fee, protects the insured against potential loss of money, Healthcare Integrity and protection Data bank (HIPDB), established by HIPAA for reporting adverse actions taken by health care providers and suppliers, a type of HMO that contracts with doctor who practice in their own offices, independent healthcare facilities who contract with insurance carrier to provide medical care at a discount rate, healthcare plan in which doctors join with hospitals who contract with commercial carrier or HMO, doctor responsible for all of patients care and referring if needed to a specialist, gatekeeper, allows member to seek healthcare from non-network doctor but pays more for care when given by PCP, members may see any in-network doctor without a referral, Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 (HCQIA), established the National Practitioner Data bank, established for health care entities to view doctors information throughout their career, remote consultation by patients with doctors through electronics, form of telemedicine involving direct contact between patient and doctor usually for a fee, using the internet as a source of information for health and medicine, a set amount that each patient pays for each office visit, regulation issued by president that becomes law without approval of Congress, law that comes from the federal and state, decision made by judge that become rule of law without legislation, law passed by congress or state legislatures, written law that regulate legal rights and obligations, defines the rules used to enforce substantive law, crime punishable by fine or prison for less then one year, the government as plaintiff in a criminal case, civil wrong done excluding a breach of contract, the person guilty of committing a tort (civil wrong), unintentional cause of harm committed with disregard for the consequences, terms resulting from the actions of parties involved, state legislation governing written contracts, written agreement signed by party other then patient who promises to pay the bill, federal statute prohibiting certain unfair actions by debt collectors, may be created when a patient gives consent for emergency treatment to a doctor, why must a physician give the patient ample notice when withdrawing from a case.
For terminally ill patients, there is the option of ___________, which increasing evidence shows may provide a better way to die. When the person clearly understands what is going to be done. Match. Search. This example is following the _________ of HIPAA. Which of the following is the most reliable method to identify a patient within the hospital setting prior to receiving an ordered medication? Medical Ethics and Law. b) The patient may not be able to understand the decision to participate in research because of his cognitive decline. Violating a person's right not to have his or her private affairs exposed. what means of issuing a medical license is made by prior arrangement between two states. The individual has sustained irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions. View Test Prep - Module 5 Quiz (Medical Law And Ethics).docx from MEDICAL LA HSC2641 at Rasmussen College. d) The law is official and enforced by the government, while ethics are unofficial but still generally accepted by society. Which of the following statements are used by the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) to define death. Browse. c) Caregivers must practice within their scope of practice or face penalties. You are caring for a patient who has been in a coma for over two weeks without any sign of recovery. _____ is the ability to understand someone without actually experiencing what they have experienced. c) Practicing outside one's licensure/certification. A _____ is a past case that serves as a future model. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. In which of the following situations would the institution NOT likely to be liable? This is most an example of. Negligence by a professional person (unintentional). Use smart study tools like flashcards. The physician does NOT need to include _________ on the death certificate. Stare decisis means let the _____ stand. Privacy Policy and He also owns stock in the company that created the medicine.
A colleague calls and asks for information about the status of the patient. The patient later dies at home from cardiac arrest. What is this an example of? Which of the following does this best protect? This is an example of a benefit outlines by. It is necessary to restrain an uncooperative patient against his will in a hospital. Learn. Other activities to help include hangman, crossword, word scramble, games, matching, quizes, and tests. Preponderance of the _____ is the less stringent standard by which civil cases are held; it means that more likely than not the incident did occur. Created by. The definition of a double effect does not state that: The action being considered is in itself either morally good or morally indifferent, Which of these statements about the AMT standards of practice is false, Only duty licensed physician dentists are required to report any knowledge of professional abuse to the appropriate authorities the judgment of the attending physician dentist shall be protected and valued no matter what the circumstances. a) A physician refuses to treat a patient due to his race, A researcher is conducting a study for a new medication to treat diabetes. Preponderance of the _____ is the less stringent standard by which civil cases are held; it means that more likely than not the incident did occur. Free flashcards to help memorize facts about law & ethics CH 1-3. Brainscape is a web and mobile study platform that helps you learn things faster. This is most an example of, The National Organ Transplant Law of 1984, a) Forbids the sale of organs in interstate commerce, All of the following are examples of genetic engineering EXCEPT, You are a research nurse who is enrolling a new patient in a study. For details read our Medical Law and Ethics Chapter 7. Write. What should the nurse do in this case? a) Ask another colleague t work with your neighbor for privacy reasons. You are writing the new standard operating procedure for reviewing medical records for insurance processing. Only $2.99/month. The patient's family is asking to clarify brain death. Embed Code - If you would like this activity on your web page, copy the script below and paste it into your web page. Which of the following was most violated? _____ law concerns promises and agreements. A midwife has just delivered a baby in the mother's home. b) Only prescribe pain medication to patients in need of relief. Start studying medical law and ethics chapters 1-4. Mandated reporter. The patients will be assigned a number that will decide which treatment they will receive. Poor fetal growth on abdomen measurements or ultrasound . Test Information Description Instructions Timed Test Multiple Attempts Force Completion This b) The patient's lawyer must prove the offenses in a court of law, Constitutional law addresses the relationship between. Despite CPR and other emergency efforts, the patient's heart does not work on its own. You are the administrator for a nursing home. Quiz: Which Anime Character Are You Most Like. In managing a medical record, the physician should include the following: a) All laboratory, x-ray, and procedure reports, You are working with a patient's caregiver who is requesting a copy of the patient's medical record. Which Harry Potter Hogwarts House Do You Belong To Quiz! A medical office is establishing new storage procedures for medical records. d) When the patient is uncooperative and not following medical advice. ________ is defined as performing an act that one should not do at all or the unjust performance of such an act. A patient has genetic testing showing that she is at increased risk of colon cancer. One of her arms is so badly injured that it should be amputated, but the pianist doesn't want to lose one of her hands. Choose from 500 different sets of medical law and ethics flashcards on Quizlet. Chapter 3: Medical Law & Ethics; Ashley C. • 20 cards.
PLAY. Log in Sign up. Learn. _____ is written, print, or pictures that injur a reputation. Signs of physical child abuse include: Flinching at sudden movements.
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