The full Descent into Avernus adventure module for levels 1-13. – In the zeal of battle, Zariel shouts, “We have the demon lord on the run! I’m heavily biased towards pushing it farther back in history than 1354 DR. Jandar goes *fuck this* (vampire) and retreats through the portal. Including running characters like Lulu or Zariel, who both were present when it happened. First, paladin. Where in Hell does it lead, exactly? Level 2 parties shouldn't face a fireball slinging mage. But maybe, like you say, the Yeenoghu intrigue is cool enough that we should do that even if we simplify the Bleeding Citadel and make it a secret again? Not to mention the yellow mold earlier wrecked some of us. When we faced her with our party we managed to sneak on her enough that if she casted the fireball, she would have taken the damage also. Yeah, I guessed that much, but which location? “Zariel had Lulu sent back to Faerun with her mental faculties restored. When demons die, they cry out my name in terror.”.
(You may have had the same idea already; it’s not a particularly original idea.) In the end I know it up the DM and in all truth and I would casted the fireball also but it just felt more broken than not. Unless their favored enemy is undead or fiend, they'd lack a bunch of functionality. So do you try to fix the Yeenoghu connection in the back story or do you heavily revise the Citadel to finish expurgating Yeenoghu from the narrative? In this story, the holy city of Elturel is, for reasons unknown, dragged from the surface of Faerûn into the sulfurous depths of Avernus. The rest of Zariel’s army fights to utter destruction.
Several of us GM running at the place we are playing are discussing this because they are just op for lvl 2 group with one attack.
Are … A fair few of the encounters are also not meant to be resolved as straight up fights. (The continuity is rather tangled.) Zariel, Olanthius, Haruman, spend time being tortured into insanity in Nessus, this corrupt Zariel. Carousel Previous Carousel Next.
Yael gets pulled into Avernus with Yeenoghu during a desperate abjuration/Yeenoghu captures Yael and retreats to Avernus to lure Zariel into a 3 way war. Edition - PDF Edition, City Supplement 1: Dweredell
Which is when Bel’s devil armies march over the horizon. It is terribly balanced which means terrible design.
Zariel rides out with her army to put an end to the demonic invasion. 2. Note: It’s possible he was also a general and actually led or triggered the retreat back through the portal, but it’s vague. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” and so forth. He’s raised as a death knight and ends up watching over the Crypt of the Hellriders. The demon lord is sent tumbling through the portal, which quickly closes behind him.”. Napoleon is standing in front of you. Second, somebody who is evil. Is it possible that she wanted to invade Avernus all along? If I had been interested in such a debate, I would have been far more careful when chosing my words. And referring to Zariel’s knights as crusaders is probably a useful bit of nomenclature. Which dungeon and which location? 13?? The worst is hard to say.
What if you tweak the Idyllglen lore, to something along the lines of: 1.
So yay for just instant death to anyone not a HP monster, secondly this is where the real discussion comes in, in her stat block under actions it list they do scorching ray as 3rd lvl spell burn up their other 3rd lvl spell slot as they were cast raise dead as you walked in. Or was that a purely spur-of-the-moment decision? Lulu and Yael blundered into a group of demons led by Yeenoghu, but narrowly escaped. @Wyvern: Yes. But I think it’s useful term. Either way, Zariel arrays her crusaders for battle. Despite centuries of playing it safe, he still lacks… subtlety. Or rather, as we’ll see, the many versions of those events. Zariel’s hand holding her Sword is cut off. Is there any explanation given for why a demon lord would flee to Hell rather than the Abyss? As for the name “Hellriders” , as Aeshdan says its a back construction. Can you point out which area of which dungeon you encountered this CR4 creature with fireball? My current working theory, though, is to grab that reference to Zariel pursuing Yeenoghu through the portal and rebuild around it: – Yeenoghu learns that Zariel has raised a huge mortal army and is planning to invade the Abyss and create a second front in the Blood War.
I.e., the knights didn’t call themselves Hellriders at the time, but people narrating the story in the future after they acquire the name use it? Note: This is also inconsistent with how the Hellriders got their name, once again suggesting they were known as such before and/or during the Ride and not just after it. 149? Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site.
Although it's not explicitly mentioned, a LE character who dies could come back as a devil in Avernus, which might make for some interesting ways to roleplay and avoid perma-death. The knights swear a personal oath to Zariel that binds them to her service even after death. (I mean, we’ve already restructured the scenario to eliminate the “people already know where it is so that they can tell the PCs” thing.).
The question is how far.
Zariel's sword will shatter if anybody but a high-level Paladin attempts to smash the Solar Insidiator and save Elturel. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. I imagine many chaotic characters will balk at making the sorts of contracts that devils demand. That is terrible design. Or maybe Yeenoghu has a small army waiting on the other side that rapidly engages her so she doesn’t have time to realize her error. Did that pre-exist Zariel or did she co-opt an existing organization? Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus clocks in at 256 pages, putting it right in line with published adventures like Storm King’s Thunder and Out of the Abyss. I actually thought I’d streamline it down by losing the Idyllglen encounters; let Zariel just lead a charge into Hell and put the flashback focus there.
I couldn't see how it wasn't going to kill them. It would seem to suggest that Zariel managed to raise an army of thousands or even tens of thousands. She accepts. Spells of Light and Darkness
And if that fireball doesn't kill them let them walk a little farther down the path with a torch lit. Whatever.”.
General Olanthius commits suicide. There's nothing stopping usual spellcasting. Bel let himself be manipulated by Yeenoghu and blew a golden opportunity. Lulu flew up into the sky and watched as a bloody scab grew from the ground to engulf the palace and the enormous demon.
Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. As to the first part, yes she is drop-able, she is written as a glass cannon there is no argument there, but with the map layout, party assumed lvl and the other stuff in the dungeon leading into her room there seems a bit of disparity. Avernus doesn't provide many good opportunities to rest so a designated healer is important. Breaks with canon, but its a lot cleaner.
TO BEGIN WITH: Zariel and Lulu, her hollyphant war mount, were friends for centuries. If the memories Lulu recovers in Fort Knucklebones are real (which they probably aren’t), then at some point during the fighting Zariel and Lulu are both knocked unconscious. (This either happens on the battlefield in Avernus or in Nessus, see variants above.). Most characters at lvl 2 and fireball ( 8d6 avg damage 32 /half 16) are pretty much dead. Lulu goes to the Wandering Emporium, where she is “befriended” by a rakshasa named Mahadi. I am doing a new campaign with Descent of Avernus and the number one question I get from the players is what class should I play? It could also explain why Asmodeus was like, “Bel, GTFO.” The legions of Hell never should have attacked Zariel’s army.
DESCENT INTO AVERNUS (2019) Let’s start by looking at the version of events laid out in Descent Into Avernus itself. So far I am looking at Clerics, Paladin, and Warlock. Was Napoleon famously short or was he average height for the time and our impression is a result of successful British propaganda?
Share. City Supplement 3: Anyoc
For example, when Chamberlain left the Munich conference he was convinced there would be no war in Europe because Hitler wouldn’t start one.
I was trying to avoid doing this, but as with Elturel, I ended up doing a fairly deep dive into Zariel’s background as I was working on the Remix. You know the Vikings who ravaged Europe in the early Middle Ages? And that’s without questioning whether there is such a thing as an “impartial observer” anyway; everyone carries a set of unconscious bias and preconceptions as a result of all their experiences up to that point and all their rationalisations and memory edits afterward. (Partly I like the poetry of both the first and last High Rider having been vampires.). There is an implication that Yeenoghu fled to Avernus, leaving the portal open behind him and that the Riders immediately followed him on the Charge (see below): “As Zariel prepares to send her forces through the portal into Avernus…” (DIA, p. 144), But this is a continuity error because the boxed text earlier on the same page reads: “The angel slashes her sword across Yeenoghu’s chest and utters a spell.
It's very railroady early on and had I not tweaked some of the NPCs motivations (Mortlock being the biggy) and added some NPCs of my own, some of it just doesn't give the PCs enough motivation to progress.
If your patron is a demon, then your mission is that much harder. Zariel’s last words to her were: “This is who I am. Or rather, as we’ll see, the many versions of those events. Clerics are also going to be important. Jander Sunstar panics (“We can’t fight both Hell and the Abyss!”) and a chunk of the army routs back through the portal, which Yeenoghu then closes. That makes it double deadly, but not insurmountable.
Why was Lulu there? They've made it to Avernus now and there are still later encounters that have been pretty tough but they've at least got a chance of bringing party members back. Definitely the least balanced adventure I've run in a long time.
It feels tacked on and poorly play tested. Because that 2nd level party nursing wounds from that fight and others really needs to be blown up for some reason. Adventure: The Black Mist
(Zariel believes that if she can establish a flanking beachhead that other disaffected angelic warriors from Mount Celestia will rally to the cause.). There’s the one reference to Zariel pursuing Yeenoghu through the portal he escaped through, but even that is contradicted on the very same page.
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