- flexorFld - fluidFP - family practice; family practitioner FRC functional residual capacityFSH - follicle-stimulating hormone FTT failure to thrive FU follow-up FUO fever of unknown origin FVC forced vital capacity Fx fracture, G, g, gm - gramGABA - gamma-aminobutyric acidGABAB - gamma-aminobutyric acid type BGABRB3 GABAA - receptor genegarg - gargleGB - gallbladder; Guillain-BarréGC gonorrheaGDM - gestational diabetes mellitusGDS - Geriatric Depression ScaleGERD - gastroesophageal reflux disease GETT general by endotracheal tube GFR glomerular filtration rateGGT - gamma-glutamyl transferaseGH - growth hormone GI gastrointestinalGnRH - gonadotropin-releasing hormoneGP - general practitionerG6PD - glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase gr grain; 1 grain = 65mggrad - by degreesGRAS - generally recognized as safe GSW gun shot wound gt or gtt drops GTT glucose tolerance test GU genitourinaryguttat. tert. - every morning or nightomn. Abbreviations are used very frequently in medicine. - every other daydieb. Medical Terms and Abbreviations →
N352 Abbreviations. R Q - elixirEm - emmetropiaEMA-IgA - immunoglobulin A antiendomysial EMG ElectromyogramEMS - emergency medical serviceEndo - endocrine EMV eyes, motor, verbal response (Glasgow coma scale) ENT ears, nose, and throat EOM extraocular musclesEP - extrapyramidalEPS - extrapyramidal symptomsER - Emergency Room, extended-releaseERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rateEST - electroshock therapyESWL - extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy ET endotrachealET-1 - endothelin-1ETT endotracheal tube ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangio -pancreatography ETOH ethanol EUA examination under anesthesiaext. 'Small Business Edition' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. 120-34 Queens Blvd, Suite 320 | Kew Gardens, NY 11415 | 718-803-3782
This series of lists omits periods from acronyms and initialisms. - accommodationA/CA - accommodative/convergence accommodation ratioACE - angiotensin-converting enzymeACh - acetylcholineAChE - acetylcholinesteraseAChR - acetylcholine receptor ACLS advanced cardiac life support ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone AD autonomic dysreflexia ad lib as much as neededad lib.
Resource Center → - joint JVD jugular venous distention, KAFO knee ankle foot orthosiskg - kilogramKI - potassium iodineKOH - potassium hydroxide KOR keep open rateKS - Kaposi sarcoma KT kinesio therapy or kinesiotherapist KUB kidneys, ureters, bladderkv - kilovolt KVO keep vein open, L leftL - literL&D - labor and deliverylab - laboratory LAD left axis deviation or left anterior descending LAE left atrial enlargement LAHB left anterior hemiblock LAP left atrial pressure or leukocyte alkaline phosphataselat - laterallb - pound LBBB left bundle branch blockLBW - low birth weight LDH lactate dehydrogenase LDL low density lipoproteinLD50 - lethal dose, median LE lupus erythematosusLEEP - loop electrosurgical excision procedureLFT - liver function testLGA - large for gestational ageLH - luteinizing hormoneLi - lithiumlig - ligament LIH left inguinal hernialiq. - superiorsupf. - volumevol % - volume percentVORB - verbal order read back V/Q ventilation perfusionVS - volumetric solution; vesicular sound; vital signsVSD - ventricular septal defect VSS vital signs stableVT - ventricular tachycardiavv - veinsVZIG - varicella zoster immune globulin, W - tungstenw - wattWAIS - Wechsler Adult Intelligence ScaleWAP - written action planWB whole blood WBC white blood cell or count WD well developedWDWN - well-developed, well-nourished WF white femaleWF/BF - white female/black femaleWH - well-hydrated WM white maleWM/BM - white male/black male WN well nourished WNL within normal limits WPW Wolf-Parkinson-Whitewt. - to be taken tomorrow night CO - carbon monoxideCO cardiac outputCo - cobaltCO2 - carbon dioxide C/O complaining of COLD chronic obstructive lung diseasecomp. - as much as wanted QNS quantity not sufficient qod every other dayq.p. They boost efficiency as long as they are used intelligently. H - ascendingASCA - anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodyASC-US - atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance ASCVD atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ASD atrial septal defectAsH - hypermetropic astigmatism ASHD atherosclerotic heart disease ASIA American Spinal Injury AssociationAsM - myopic astigmatismAST - aspartate aminotransferaseAst - astigmatismATCC - American Type Culture Collectionat.
J Find out what is the full meaning of SBE on Abbreviations.com! - injectionINR - international normalized ratioinstill. - every houromn. Privacy Policy, accommodation; acetum; angström unit; anode; anterior, Financial Assistance For Individuals With Disabilities, Helpful Groups in the Spinal Cord Injury and Disease World, International Spinal Cord Injury Resources, Professional Organizations, Journals, and Education, Rehabilitation, New Injury & Recovery Programs.
- sacrals without SA sinoatrial SAA synthetic amino acidSAD - seasonal affective disorderSARS - severe acute respiratory syndromeSB - small bowel Sb - antimony S&E sugar and acetone SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis SBFT small bowel follow throughSBP - systolic blood pressure SBS short bowel syndromeSC, sc, s.c. - subcutaneous(ly) SCr serum creatinine SCI spinal cord injury SCI/D spinal cord injury and disorderS.D. 52 terms. dict. - bedtimehor.
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