Also, I was wondering if you think it’s all right as Christians to allow ourselves to have worldly fun? I struggle with daily thoughts again of going to hell if I move forward. Other times we will find another church that will better feed us during that time in our spiritual growth. Again… CONGRATULATIONS! This is something that can only be revealed by the Holy Spirit. I found out at that point he was still with the same woman he had left me for and living with her. Conviction is from the Holy Spirit, prompting us to confess and be restored to fellowship so God can continue to bless us. Ask God to help you to stay away from places you shouldn’t go. I was then served with divorce papers in May 2015. We need to keep in mind that God is strong and He does not tolerate sin. If you continue to belong to yourself, you cannot belong to God. A lot of them we’re doing things the word said was wrong. So, at this point my suggestion to you would be to review these Bible verses just to check to make sure you are following the guidelines and motives for confronting your friend (and I’m not suggesting you haven’t been following these; it’s just good we keep our eyes on what’s most important). God knew your heart, loved you through it, and led you to this article, and spoke into your inner being to free you from the entanglement the enemy of our faith was trying to entrap you with… fear.
For you, because you have such a busy brain, it’s actually tiring to do that, which others consider relaxing. God knows that. It is worldly sorrow.
– Wants us to be anxious for nothing Keep in mind that we aren’t all created to be a clone of each other.
The one who commits the unpardonable sin will not be repentant, so the fact that you repented of whatever you did means you’re good. But salvation is the result of God Himself bringing a person to surrender. The idea that God Almighty cannot convict an unsaved person of their sin, such that the unsaved person can then choose, is utter nonsense. It even makes me not want to fellowship anymore. The Spirit says, “Fix this one thing and you’ll be free.” He commands you to take one specific action — to make a choice of your will.
That resulted in spiritual death. In short, we are not to blame for being born in Adam. And FAITH in the Bible carries more than just intellectual assent that something is true. In short, once we see the goodness of God, we are going to see our badness. Once the Holy Spirit has lovingly brought that person to the place where he finally sees it for himself, the person has a choice: Will he stay in sin, or will he repent and turn toward God?
But after desperately seeking God, and “seeking the kingdom first” like so many other helpful scriptures that seemed to come out of nowhere, I was brought back to God. Please, let there be no confusion. We were not legally divorced. There is a fake repentance that is nothing more than a worldly sorrow. As long as you repent, and try to better discern His will, He will give you grace. The Holy Spirit not only convicts people of sin, but He also brings them to repentance (Acts 17:30; Luke 13:5).
Now, as far as your obeying or not obeying… first off, you obeyed when you said “yes” to God and accepted Jesus to be your savior. I was brought back to God again but I started hardcore doubting EVERYTHING this time and genuinely felt like giving up. It is between myself and God. It appears that you are getting off to a great start!
The conviction of the Spirit is specific to the sin. Why? They are all very intelligent, wonderful people, but when it comes to interpersonal aspects of living, as well as the way in which they interpret other aspects of life, they need other wise people to help them see things that they may not have thought of otherwise. I couldn’t sleep, started to get sick, paranoid, depressed beyond explanation, even being at church was horrible because I started feeling like The Bible was accusing me. In other words, you are not first saved by doing works or getting free from sin. One more thing. Unbelief is a refusal, neglect, or surrender to God – or to put it another way – unbelief is independence against God. Any help or advice would be appreciated. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin. The Truth is all unto LIFE. I let him know I forgave him, and loved him despite his actions. Oh Father, I lift up Jamie to You, that You might bring Your perfect love and healing and restoration into her life. Heavenly Father, I know Jesus Christ today because of the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. If you go forward into marriage without being pretty far down the path of healing, it is likely that your marriage will suffer, and I know that you don’t want that. Draw her close to You so that she knows You in a more intimate way than ever before. I have also given up reading books because of this feeling, I stopped watching almost all TV and movies and I have given up almost all music. If you have a free will you can simply turn to Christ. He fashioned you uniquely. Thank you for letting God work through you to give so many people comfort. But, I am trying to follow what God wants, and I have read that, even if we wait to date after the paperwork goes through, she and I would be committing adultery. I’ve heard that quoted and pulled out of context to show that we don’t need to acknowledge our sin – but only need to talk about God’s goodness. My husband just read several articles while I was typing this and thinks it has some great stuff on it. And that is why He made it possible for other people to populate the earth. The Bible clearly states, "In Adam all die. First of all, notice the ORDER that is given as to conversion in this verse. You have to go with some of your feelings, but some of them are leading you down a wrong road. Blessings. Thus, we see that many of these modern compromises with the Truth stand in direct opposition to the work of the Holy Spirit. So you won’t always “hear” right… other times you will. I know of many, many, many people who are going through hell on earth because of wrong choices in marriage. Even though they may acknowledge they are sinners, they may not seem to be too deeply disturbed by the implications of this fact. I was recently born again in March. Meaning every little thing was from Satan or he would say see you blew it again. But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasures up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; (Rom. The Bible makes it clear that conviction comes from the Holy Spirit. Please don’t get involved in this. If God shows me I am a lost sinner, and that Jesus is my Savior, and I refuse, then the same conviction that God intends to be for my freedom will judge me.
I often thought how can I ever experience the fruits of the spirit?
You may even be able to listen to his radio program on line, or contact him to ask a question. Am I being convicted by the Holy Spirit, or is the enemy trying to stress me out?
“And you must not turn aside, for then you would go after futile things which cannot profit or deliver because they’re futile.
I kept wondering all the people around me that said they were Christians – did they know what the scriptures actually said. But God says, “It is not good for man to be alone.” What He meant by that is that you need God’s companionship and leading, but He also knows that people need other people too. He comforts and encourages the broken hearted and proclaims liberty for the captives (see: Isaiah 61:1). Your husband may be an atheist, but he has given you good insights (at least in what you told us) on what you are experiencing. I became so uncomfortable to the point I asked them to bring me home early. So even though some people may not have a lot of sins to repent of, the conviction of the Holy Spirit will nevertheless show them that they are hopeless and without life without Christ. All rights reserved. Others find it more of a challenge. God isn’t condemning you, so don’t worry about it. But there is no condemnation – no sense of hopelessness. The Holy Spirit makes this possible by bringing me LIGHT. The enemy attacks you in general. I did a bit of digging and here are a few things on the Internet that might help with this as you read them: This first one asks and then answers the questions: “How are people drawn to salvation? Satan speaks of God as your judge and you as a miserable sinner. And now you are saying yes as you grow in your faith through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Comfort her and speak to her through Your Holy Spirit. It is a salvation that you will not, "repent of.". You must choose Christ or reject Him. In May, 2014 he asked for separation and said he wanted a divorce after only 10 months of marriage. In the Bible we are told to “encourage one another and build one another up.” There are many, many scriptures that point to the fact that we are to help and encourage one another. First, I encourage you to make a copy of this article to post somewhere handy so that when you are plagued with doubts of whether it is the Holy Spirit talking to you or the enemy of our faith, you can use what is said in this article as a filter. Thank you for this inspiring and thoughtful post. I tell you this to encourage you to look his name up on the Internet. Conviction does not only apply to unbelievers. My thoughts go on, do I sin when I kiss her, and is this from the Spirit or the devil? More than ever before, it is important that Christians both believe and understand these words of Jesus. Actually, it is the goodness of God to convict us of our sin, and bring a godly sorrow that leads us to repentance unto salvation. Faith means I belong to God. Should I start ignoring this feeling in my chest?
But fundamentally, the human race is a wrong CREATURE.
He tells you that the way you feel is the way things really are, even if facts differ (i.e. It is entirely possible to continually confess the wrong you do – all because you won’t face the wrong you are. If you won’t repent of unbelief, you aren’t believing – you can’t be believing. I sometimes fear the only way I’m going to feel ok is if I’m by myself. No.
I am going to make an assumption that you have already read the multitude of verses in the Bible that talk about this subject. You can find their web site at
He disciplines as a loving Heavenly Father (see: Proverbs 3:11-12; Job 5:17; 1 Corinthians 11:32; Hebrews 12:6-11). • Encourages complaining, • Is about the whole truth The result was spiritual death. This is God’s definition of condemnation – that light has come into my world, but I chose to love darkness rather than light, because I did not want to be exposed as a sinner.
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