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aimed at the Patriot … Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos.
Also Brooks, though he doesn't seem to be quite as prison-savvy as Red. Sticky Header . —From the back cover of the case for the DVD of.
"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire": Also known as "The Simpsons Christmas Special", Homer discovers he won't be getting a Christmas bonus and so the family won't have any money for Christmas. * ArtisticLicenseHistory: Alcatraz hasn't been used as an actual prison since 1963, and these days, is a tourist attraction, so The Simpsons (along with. You'll find him in just about every prison film and television series ever made. Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos Ask The Tropers Trope Finder You Know That Show... Trope Launch Pad Tools . He knows everything there is to know about how the prison works, and can explain it to new inmates. Show Spoilers .
Alcatraz Island is next to California, meaning the Pacific Ocean contains Alcatraz. * ActuallyPrettyFunny: Skinner brings up other times Bart has [[CryingWolf feigned illness for mischief]], showing Blind!Bart, Wheelchair!Bart, and Pregnant!Bart. Then a French ship arrives to save the Simpsons who were escaping Alcatraz. When thinking about changing Springfield's name, Mayor Quimby refers to "Hitler City, NC", which (according to him) changed its name to Charlotte. * ArtisticLicenseGeography: The United States and Europe are separated by the Atlantic Ocean.
), * KafkaKomedy: The family become town pariahs after Bart accidentally moons the flag after a donkey rips his shorts off (although it did so as revenge for Bart torturing it with a carrot, which is pretty mean in the first. A page for describing Trivia: Simpsons S 15 E 21 Bart Mangled Banner. Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos Ask The Tropers Trope Finder You Know That Show... Trope Launch Pad Tools . See the list below.
Go Ad-Free. * KafkaKomedy: The family become town pariahs after Bart accidentally moons the flag after a donkey rips his shorts off (although it did so as revenge for Bart torturing it with a carrot, which is pretty mean in the first place. * ActuallyPrettyFunny: Skinner brings up other times Bart has [[CryingWolf feigned illness for mischief]], showing. Cut List New Edits Edit Reasons Launches Images List Crowner Activity Un-typed Pages Recent Page Type Changes. Only occasionally related to The Con or the Con Man. See the list below. However, [[TookALevelInDumbass Marge]] has to ruin it. [[NiceJobBreakingItHero It puts her family in deeper water, eventually leading to them getting. "Fraudcast News": Mr. Burns buys up media outlets in Springfield and attempts to buy out Lisa's homegrown newspaper. * ShoutOut: The Simpsons escaping fleeing military surveillance while singing in public?
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. * PatrioticFervor: Mercilessly parodied, to the point that it came across as a heavy-handed AuthorTract the likes of which would make ''WesternAnimation/FamilyGuy'' in its seventh season [[EvenEvilHasStandards blush]]. * ShoutOut: The Simpsons escaping fleeing military surveillance while singing in public? * ArtisticLicenseGeography: The United States and Europe (which contains France) are separated by the Atlantic Ocean. The episode was panned by some American fans for its mean-spirited humor, disjointed storyline and satirizing American patriotism and the American Republican Party in a very stingy way.
* RageBreakingPoint: Marge can't tolerate the talk show host's constant instigation towards her family (he just asks them if they hate America and which part of it in specific, rather than allowing them to explain what happened with Bart which is the reason they were allegedly invited), so when she finally snaps she sarcastically says that she hates America and a lot of things in it, ''especially'' crappy talk show hosts. Highlight Links .
Then a French ship arrives to save the Simpsons who were escaping Alcatraz. He's the old convict that's been inside as long as anyone can remember. * InstantlyProvenWrong: A tenth of a second after Lisa gives a speech in church that America is built on the concept of free speech, and that this has all been an overreaction and people should be ashamed, federal agents [[DynamicEntry burst through the church's windows]] and arrest the Simpson family at gunpoint for violating the. * RageBreakingPoint: Marge can't tolerate the talk show host's constant instigation towards her family (he just asks them if they hate America and which part of it in specific, rather than allowing them to explain what happened with Bart which is the reason they were allegedly invited), so when she finally snaps she sarcastically says that she hates America and a lot of things in it, ''especially'' crappy talk show hosts.
If the central characters decide to break out, The Old Convict probably won't go with them, realising he no longer knows how to survive in the outside world. An accidental photo showing Bart mooning the American flag makes the Simpsons the most hated family in town. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [email protected]. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. "Bart-Mangled Banner": Bart inadvertently moons the American flag and the Simpsons are accused of being unpatriotic.
D.B. * PersonalNonGrata: Thanks to Moe, Hibbert got banned from the library for reasons unknown. * ActuallyPrettyFunny: Skinner brings up other times Bart has [[CryingWolf feigned illness for mischief]], showing Blind!Bart, Wheelchair!Bart, photos of Blind Bart, Wheelchair Bart, and Pregnant!Bart. Or at the very least, it's not as obvious.
* HalfwayPlotSwitch and RandomEventsPlot: It started with Bart going deaf from a bad innoculation and then becomes a satire of post 9/11 Patriotism.
Though it could be that all these prisoners are in some sort of underground facility that the tourists would not know about. Anvilicious: Let's just say this episode really goes after post-9/11 patriotism hard and … Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [email protected]. Kuroinu Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru/Characters. He tends to have the respect of most of his fellow inmates (except maybe the Ax Crazy psychos). Dignity" and "Saddlesore Galactica". It has routinely ranked highly in lists of worst. What??
You would expect them to sing. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on May 16, 2004. Join Login. “Lord, give us the courage to worship the American flag, be it on a car, a belt buckle, or on Your Holy Person.” ― Timothy Lovejoy, Jr. Bart-Mangled Banner is the twenty first episode of Season 15.
Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos Ask The Tropers Trope Finder You Know That Show... Trope Launch Pad Tools . * DumbassHasAPoint: ''Homer'' correctly advises Bart and his family to just apologize about the incident and not say anything else to make things worse. * ArtisticLicenseHistory: Alcatraz hasn't been used as an actual prison since 1963, and these days, is a tourist attraction, so The Simpsons (along with Elmo, The Dixie Chicks, and anyone who opposes George W. Bush) should not have been locked away there.
If you want to start a Main/TheSimpsonsS15E21BartMangledBanner page, just click the edit button above. You would expect them to sing [[Theatre/TheSoundOfMusic Edelweiss]]. A page for describing Recap: Simpsons S 15 E 21 Bart Mangled Banner. However, [[TookALevelInDumbass Marge]] has to ruin it. About Us Contact Us Advertise. He then adds that his personal favorite is Railroad-Spike-Through-Head!Bart. Tropes HQ .
The episode starts with Marge and Homer tricking the kids into getting flu shots, giving … Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos. “Lord, give us the courage to worship the American flag, be it on a car, a belt buckle, or on Your Holy Person.” ― Timothy Lovejoy, Jr. Bart-Mangled Banner is the twenty first episode of Season 15. Season 16 "Treehouse of Horror XV" "All's Fair in Oven War" "Sleeping with the Enemy" "She Used to Be My Girl" SugarWiki; DarthWiki; … A page for describing YMMV: Simpsons S 15 E 21 Bart Mangled Banner. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. When Bart inadvertently moons the flag, he becomes a national focus of rage, and the Simpsons are exiled to a post 9-11 secret internment camp. You'll find him in just about every prison film and television series ever made. Be careful, though, the only things that go in the Main namespace are tropes and should be created through the, Recap/The Simpsons S 15 E 21 Bart Mangled Banner, Trivia/The Simpsons S 15 E 21 Bart Mangled Banner, YMMV/The Simpsons S 15 E 21 Bart Mangled Banner.
Cooper, alias Charles Westmoreland, in, A more conventional Old Con is the very ancient Blanco. (, Ian Starshine fills this role at the gladiator camp in, 'The last registered Democrat' who helps the Simpsons escape the government re-education centre in.
When we first see him, he's completed a replica of Muffin the Mule in the prison workshop: "You know, him what's on television." Follow TV Tropes. He's the old convict that's been inside as long as anyone can remember.
However. * NoodleIncident: [[Series/SesameStreet Elmo]] is in Alcatraz because he "went to wrong fundraiser".
Join Login. The episode was panned by some American fans for its mean-spirited humor, disjointed storyline and satirizing American patriotism and the American Republican Party in a very stingy way. * ArtisticLicenseHistory: Alcatraz hasn't been used as an actual prison since 1963, and these days, is a tourist attraction, so The Simpsons (along with Elmo, The Dixie Chicks, and anyone who opposes George W. Bush) should not have been locked away there. We don't have an article named, If you meant one of those, just click and go.
Inexact title. " Bart-Mangled Banner " is the twenty-first episode of The Simpsons' fifteenth season.
Directed by Steven Dean Moore. It has routinely ranked highly in lists of worst Simpsons episodes ever made, finishing in the top spot in 2009 and 3rd in 2011, with only season 11's "Kill the Alligator and Run" and season 21's "The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed"[[note]]the episode where The Simpsons go to Jerusalem on a religious trip and Homer deludes himself into thinking he's the Messiah after suffering from dehydration[[/note]] above it, though somehow it's manages to be better (or worse) than "Homer vs.
* ArtisticLicenseGeography: The United States and Europe. [[NiceJobBreakingItHero It puts her family in deeper water, eventually leading to them getting arrested]].
Pregnant Bart. Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos Ask The Tropers Trope Finder You Know That Show... Trope Launch Pad Tools . * DumbassHasAPoint: ''Homer'' correctly advises Bart and his family to just apologize about the incident and not say anything else to make things worse. He may die at the hands of the authorities or vicious fellow inmates (maybe in an attack actually aimed at the hero), inspiring the heroes to either escape or seek vengeance. What?? Bart-Mangled Banner is a fantastic Simpsons episode with a very well written storyline and loads of very funny scenes.
With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Alcatraz Island is next to California, meaning the Pacific Ocean contains Alcatraz.
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